In the end, all you take with you is your story.



So Long, Farewell

"Lucky to have been where I have been, lucky to be coming home again."

Those Jason Mraz lyrics have been in my head this week after I heard the song on my ipod and I really feel that those lines especially pertain to me so much right now.

This is my last and final post, and it happens to be my 100th. Really happy to be ending on an even note.

I feel a mixture of emotions as I am about to leave this place that has been my home for over a year now. Happiness, sadness, nostalgia, excitement, nervousness, anxiety, relief, and many other emotions have been flooding my brain and heart. I am not looking forward to my last goodbye tomorrow, but am so eager for my first hello on the other side.

Sean and I took a trip to Seoul tower last night and locked our hearts on the wall along with thousands of others. Just a little way to always remember this city and the times we spent together here this past year.

the man and the tower

Sean writing his message to me

my message to Sean

putting his heart up

putting my heart up

light show on the tower

A little piece of my heart will always belong here. Goodbye Korea.


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