In the end, all you take with you is your story.




As the kids like to say- I am finisheeeeeeee!

My last day of school crept up on me really quickly. All of a sudden it was Monday of my last week and then the last three days just flew by. I wasn't really expecting much for my last days, but was pleasantly surprised by all the kind goodbyes and thoughtful gestures.

My fifth grade co-teacher had all of the students write me letters. They were actually really heartfelt and sweet. Many of them apologized for their classes being so rude/talking so much when I taught them. Huh. Then she gave me some earrings as a goodbye gift because she knows I love earrings. One student gave me a hand made card and a little gift as well.

fifth grade cards

The first grade teachers that I taught in my teachers class, including my old co-teacher, Mrs. Sung, surprised me Tuesday afternoon with an impromptu pizza party to say goodbye. It was really generous of them and I was touched that they thought of me and wanted to do something special for me to thank me for teaching them. I legit ate Korean style pizza with the following toppings: cheese, sauce, olives, mushrooms, sausage, potato, mayonnaise, hot sauce, nacho chips, and a sweet potato filled crust. Beat that.

My sixth grade co-teacher created a video message for me from each sixth grade class. They all said their goodbyes via video and it was really sweet. One of the classes even wrote me a card and got me a gift. Mrs. Han also gave me a copy of the messages on a USB and a pair of earrings for a small gift. So nice.

The office workers in the principal's office gave me a great card and we had a little party this afternoon before I left with all kinds of Korean snack foods.

card from the office co-workers

last day in the office

office party

To top off an awesome day, Sean bought me a congratulatory cake and Starbucks to celebrate my finishing my contract. So sweet.

cake and Starbucks

I feel really blessed and grateful.


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