In the end, all you take with you is your story.



3, 2, 1 Bungee!

So I decided to do another crazy stunt this weekend with some friends- bungee jumping! There is a small park in Bundang called Yuldong Park where there is a beautiful little lake and a bungee platform over the water. You can jump from the platform, scream your head off, and fly through the air Mission Impossible style all over the cost of a mere 25,000 won (about $22). This was my second time throwing myself off some sort of surface into the air, but it was much different than my first bungee experience. This time they attached my harness around my shoulders and waist instead of around my ankles. I also went solo this time. Last time Sam and I held on for dear life together. I really loved this bungee. The platform was 43m (141 feet) up in the air and it had a gorgeous view of the park and surrounding Bundang. After we got suited up, we hopped into the elevator that took us up to the top. Once we were up there, there was no turning back. Sam decided that I needed to go first so I worked up the courage to walk to the end of the platform. The man working up there tightened my straps and then asked me if I was ready. I said "no". He was like 'well, too bad'. Then he counted down 3, 2, 1 bungee! and I closed my eyes and jumped. I felt like a rag doll flying through the air and wasn't sure which way was up and which way was down for a minute. When I finally figured out which way I was I looked around to see the lake below me and spectators to the side of me. I bounced around in the air for a few minutes until my cord settled down and then they lowered me into a boat, unhooked my harness, and took me back to the ground of the platform area. The rush I felt was amazing and I had such a good time bungeeing!

below the bungee sign

jump for bungee!

the bungee group

Check out a video of my bungee jump here:

My friend Hyun-jin had her senior recital this weekend at her university. She plays the gayagam, a traditional Korean stringed instrument. She has been studying music and playing the gayagam for years. There were 9 parts to the recital and Hyun-jin performed in 3. She wore a different hanbok each time and looked absolutely gorgeous. The music was beautiful and it was a real treat to hear.

Hyun-jin at her recital

Hanging out and drinking with friends, eating good food, enjoying the nice weather, and shopping in Insadong completed my weekend.

sparklers at the bar


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