In the end, all you take with you is your story.



North VS South

Just wanted to give you all a little update on the situation here on the South Korean peninsula. Everything is fine. There is no violence and there are very little worries about violence actually occurring. The news with all the North VS South drama has been hyped up in the media due to the local elections that are being held today here in South Korea. As you have read, the South claims it has overwhelming evidence that it was indeed North Korea who fired the torpedo which killed sailors on a South Korean ship back in March. North Korea denies it of course. North and South Korea have been at a sort of unrest since the end of the Korean war years ago. Experts and most Korean people I have talked to believe that there will not be another war or any attacks because North Korea would be completely overwhelmed and cut off from the world even more than they are now. It is just a little scary though, that nuclear weapons are in the hands of a crazy government with a nut-case (Kim Jung-il) as their leader. So anyways, tensions are not high here, they are fine. Everyone is really just speculating at this point and there is absolutely no reason to worry. It's all good.

Let's continue to hope and pray for peace.

Happy June!


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