In the end, all you take with you is your story.




Wanderlust. Some people are infected. Some are not. For those of us that suffer, it is a deep longing and desire to be somewhere other than the current place you are. It is like someone or something is tugging on your heart strings and your mind begins to race. You may begin to feel an overwhelming anxiety or excitement at the mere mention of a passport stamp or the sight of an air plane in the sky. There is absolutely no cure for wanderlust and the only treatment is travel.

I have been spending my extra time lately reading through my Lonely Planet and surfing the Internet researching for my next travels. Sam and I have booked our flights for our upcoming backpacking trip this fall. It will be the second backpacking trip we have taken together and I cannot tell you how excited I am. I feel so blessed to travel with such an amazing travel buddy as her. When we finish up by Christmas, we will have traveled to 15 different countries and lived in 2 together! (outside of the States)

We will be leaving the beginning of November and traveling up until a few days before Christmas. Our trip outline is not set, but we are planning to visit the following countries: Indonesia, (Peninsular) Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. I am anxious beyond words to travel again.

"Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going."
-Paul Theroux

Happy August!


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