In the end, all you take with you is your story.



I Love February

The other week Sam and I had the pleasure of hosting a visitor from the states. Our friend Eric made his way to Asia and stopped in Korea first before heading to China. Eric spent some time with Sam in Seosan and then the two of them made their way to Bundang to stay with me and check out Seoul. Eric, Sam, and I met in Kenya (the first round) while student teaching. Like me, Eric resigned from his teaching job with Valpo this year to pursue his passion of starting a non-profit business in Kenya helping street boys. Check out what he has accomplished: It was kinda nuts to find ourselves in Asia all together again. We visited Dr. Fish, explored Gangnam, ate some shabu shabu, and ended the night with some soju and noraebang.

Sam, Eric, and I at Dr. Fish

crazy street in Seoul

Eric and Becca in front of our 'meter' of beer

Eric and Sam bustin' it out at noraebang

we are practically Asian

first taste of sushi in 4 months... delicious Charlie Brown roll at Raw in Gangnam

This past weekend was wonderful. I did absolutely nothing exhausting and did not consume one drop of alcohol. (Something I have not done in the past 18 weekends since setting foot on this continent.) Most of last week was spent lying in my bed sick, so I wanted to rest up and get myself healthy.

Seoul Arts Center

at the Renaissance fresco exhibit

Dos Tacos in Gangnam

Korean BBQ. Watching movies in my warm apartment. Hiding from the cold. American-style brunch. New gadgets for my apartment. Relaxation. Waking up without an alarm clock. Catching up with friends. Renaissance art fix. Coffee and conversation. Avocado burrito. Subway rides. Shopping. New Marc purchase. Companionship. These ingredients cooked up a deliciously rejuvenating weekend.

And then February blew in like a breath of fresh air...

I love February. Not just because it is the month of my birth, ok, let's be honest, mostly for that reason, but also because it always seems to be a trivial month for me. 2010 is no exception. Winter camp is over. I kicked my nasty cold that took over my immune system for the past week. Only 2 more weeks left this school year. Birthday celebrations this weekend and my birthday next week. Mom visits Korea in 2 weeks. Backstreet Boys concert in 3 weeks? Jeju-do trip in 4? ^ ^ (Korean version of the smiley face.)

Happy February!


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