In the end, all you take with you is your story.



So Long, Farewell

"Lucky to have been where I have been, lucky to be coming home again."

Those Jason Mraz lyrics have been in my head this week after I heard the song on my ipod and I really feel that those lines especially pertain to me so much right now.

This is my last and final post, and it happens to be my 100th. Really happy to be ending on an even note.

I feel a mixture of emotions as I am about to leave this place that has been my home for over a year now. Happiness, sadness, nostalgia, excitement, nervousness, anxiety, relief, and many other emotions have been flooding my brain and heart. I am not looking forward to my last goodbye tomorrow, but am so eager for my first hello on the other side.

Sean and I took a trip to Seoul tower last night and locked our hearts on the wall along with thousands of others. Just a little way to always remember this city and the times we spent together here this past year.

the man and the tower

Sean writing his message to me

my message to Sean

putting his heart up

putting my heart up

light show on the tower

A little piece of my heart will always belong here. Goodbye Korea.




As the kids like to say- I am finisheeeeeeee!

My last day of school crept up on me really quickly. All of a sudden it was Monday of my last week and then the last three days just flew by. I wasn't really expecting much for my last days, but was pleasantly surprised by all the kind goodbyes and thoughtful gestures.

My fifth grade co-teacher had all of the students write me letters. They were actually really heartfelt and sweet. Many of them apologized for their classes being so rude/talking so much when I taught them. Huh. Then she gave me some earrings as a goodbye gift because she knows I love earrings. One student gave me a hand made card and a little gift as well.

fifth grade cards

The first grade teachers that I taught in my teachers class, including my old co-teacher, Mrs. Sung, surprised me Tuesday afternoon with an impromptu pizza party to say goodbye. It was really generous of them and I was touched that they thought of me and wanted to do something special for me to thank me for teaching them. I legit ate Korean style pizza with the following toppings: cheese, sauce, olives, mushrooms, sausage, potato, mayonnaise, hot sauce, nacho chips, and a sweet potato filled crust. Beat that.

My sixth grade co-teacher created a video message for me from each sixth grade class. They all said their goodbyes via video and it was really sweet. One of the classes even wrote me a card and got me a gift. Mrs. Han also gave me a copy of the messages on a USB and a pair of earrings for a small gift. So nice.

The office workers in the principal's office gave me a great card and we had a little party this afternoon before I left with all kinds of Korean snack foods.

card from the office co-workers

last day in the office

office party

To top off an awesome day, Sean bought me a congratulatory cake and Starbucks to celebrate my finishing my contract. So sweet.

cake and Starbucks

I feel really blessed and grateful.



The Beginning of the End

I've never mentioned this before because technically it's not allowed, but I figure I only have three more school days left, so what have I got to loose? Parents in Korea will pay big bucks for their children's education. English education is very important to parents and most enroll their kids in a private English language school or pay for a private tutor. Private English tutoring jobs are widely available here in Korea and pay well. Many foreigners take tutoring jobs on the side to earn some extra cash, even though all of our contracts say we aren't supposed to. I have had the opportunity to tutor this year in Korea and it has been a great experience. My most recent tutoring experience has been for four little girls. They are between the ages of 3-5 and are absolutely precious. I tutor them twice a week for an hour. Each week I come to their homes and we spend our time reciting the ABCs, learning phonics, playing games, and I bribe them with stickers and candy. I have been quite surprised with their progress in the last few months I have taught them. They by no means can actually put English phrases or sentences together, but they have grown to understand me very well and our lessons usually run pretty smooth after I taught them things like "1, 2, 3, hands in your lap" and "follow me" then I clap and they have to follow. I think their favorite English word is "no" because when they just want to play it's all I hear. That's where the bribing comes into play. Last week was my last tutoring session and it was a little sad to say goodbye. I will definitely miss their high energy, smiling faces, and sweet curiosity.

Yuni, Da Hae, me, Seoyoon, and Cho Hyun, mouths stuffed with candy

Friday all my English co-teachers took me out to dinner for a goodbye meal. It was really sweet of them and we had a nice meal including shabu shabu, duck, and fried rice. For as many issues as I have had with my job this year they have all been so kind and supportive and I am forever grateful to have met them and worked with them.

duck and pumpkin

my English co-teachers and I

Goodbyes are always hard and my hardest are yet to come. Planning on enjoying my last week here in Korea.

Happy October!



Party on the Beach

Having a whole week's vacation for Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) was fabulous. I spent the beginning of my week relaxing and mostly indoors due to the torrential downpours and flooding outside. By mid week the weather had cleared up and I made plans for the long weekend. Sam, Terry, Sean, and I decided to go away for a little couples trip to Muuido Island. Muuido Island is a tiny island off the larger island of Yeongjong that houses Incheon airport on the west coast. It's really tiny and mostly known as a great vacation spot with nice beaches.

Once we got to the airport we hopped a bus that took us to the ferry. After taking the shortest ferry ride of my life (about 5 minutes) across and catching another bus, we made it to Hanagae Beach.

welcome to Muuido

shortest ferry ever

Sean and I on the ferry

Our first night we spent in these tiny little one room huts on the beach. They were pretty ghetto and in the morning our backs were aching from sleeping on the hard floor and we felt dirty from the gross bedding they had given us. When we found out there were no showers for our use we were a little alarmed. After exploring the area desperately trying to find somewhere else to stay, we came across a wonderful pension with many rooms which all had a kitchen, TV, bathroom, and AC. Needless to say the second night's stay was much more comfortable.

Sam in front of our tiny rooms on the beach

We spent the next two days enjoying the weather, drinking beer, eating seafood, throwing the football on the beach, getting some sun, making a campfire on the beach, reading, playing cards, grilling out, and relaxing.

Sean, Terry, and Sam on the beach


shells were everywhere

sunset the first night

campfire on the beach

Sean and I hanging around

Sam and Terry on the swings

BBQ our last night

In the early morning the tide on Muuido Island goes out. Way out. Probably hundreds of feet out. And beach dwellers are left with a huge sand bar almost as far as you can see. Sean and I walked out there one morning and were amazed by this natural phenomenon. I had never seen anything like it in my life. Then, just like clock-work, around 2:30P.M. the tide rushed back in within the span of an hour and you could enjoy the water until the sun went down.

the shoreline in the morning

tracks in the sand

I had a fantastic time on Muuido Island and felt blessed to have some really great people to spend an awesome weekend with.



365 Days

Today is my one year mark in Korea. One year ago today I found myself in this country far from home and began to make a life for myself here. My life this past year has been a whirlwind of experiences and learning about myself. I am so grateful for this opportunity, but so grateful to have such amazing family and friends that make returning home such a treat.

These 365 days have been some of the hardest of my life. I never thought I would get homesick the way I sometimes found myself. I never thought I would not like my job as much as I did. I never thought I was anything worth staring at for so long. I never thought I would feel as awkward and frustrated as I did at times. Despite all of the not so good days, there were plenty of fantastic days to boot.

I will really miss the people, places, and little things that made my time here so special. The nice comments from my students in the form of a "teacher, your earrings are really big" or "teacher, your belt is really pink", the smile and wave from my favorite crossing guard, the free juice from the security man at the bank, the goodies from my co-workers at school, all the small kindnesses that had such a large impact on me. I will miss shopping at A Land in Myeong-dong, running along the Tancheon, trying new restaurants in Itaewon, gelato smoothies at my favorite coffee shop in Bundang, and all night excursions in Hongdae. I'm convinced no other city can party as long as Seoul can. I will miss all of the people that made my time here memorable. Most of all I will miss my boyfriend, Sean, without whom I might not have made it the whole year here.

Besides my one year anniversary, today also happens to be Korean thanksgiving, so Happy Chuseok! In the spirit of giving thanks, I am so thankful for my year in Korea and I feel truly blessed.

2.5 weeks until I fly home.



Palace in the City

Since I have come to Korea I have wanted to visit one of Seoul's palaces, but never actually got around to it until this past weekend. Gyeongbokgung is the largest palace in Seoul and sits in the middle of Seoul's busy downtown. Walking through the grounds were many different buildings and structures, each used for specific purposes. I was surprised just how expansive it really was. On one end of the compound was the National Museum of Korea as well. The structures were fist built in the 12th century and have been reconstructed as needed due to damages that occurred during Japanese occupation. Each building was more beautiful and grand than the next. Gyeongbokgung is hands down one of my most favorite places I have visited in Seoul. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I have included lots for you to see for yourself.

the Korean National Museum

structure in the park, beautiful

love the traditional Korean architecture

Sean and I in the palace grounds


guards overlooking the courtyard

sneaking a photo with the guard

the second gate

the main gate

The day ended with some shopping and lunch in Insadong. We had some delicious food at a little place off the main street. The main dishes were beef with soy sauce and japchae, Korean clear noodles with seafood. Really tasty.

with all the sides, waiting for the main dishes

beef and japchae


My Favorite Korean Food


I must admit, I am not a huge fan of some Korean cuisine. The textures, spices, and flavors of some dishes do not suite me well as most are very spicy, but there are a few Korean foods that I really love and will miss back home. One of them is samgyetang, chicken and ginseng soup. It is a whole chicken stuffed with rice, served in a hot pot with ginseng and other ingredients floating around in the broth. After de-boning the chicken, you can enjoy the soup with a pinch of salt. It is absolutely delicious and very healthy for you as well.
